Principles of art and science driving the design of the Energyzer Backrest™:
Western and Eastern wellness practitioners – including Doctors of Chiropractic, Medical Doctors, Physical Therapists, Spring Forest QiGong, Tai Chi & Yoga instructors, and Acupuncturists – agree that good posture is good for the body and mind. It facilitates physiological functions throughout the body.
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality.” Albert Einstein
“At the cellular level, our bodies are rivers of information and energy.” Dr. Deepak Chopra (MD Chief of Medicine at the New England Memorial Hospital & Executive Director of the Sharp Institute for Human Potential and Mind/Body Medicine)
The Brain is the controlling and coordinating center of the body. The Brain communicates down the Brain-Stem – the Spine – which is the Primary Energy Meridian of the body; the body’s power-center; a superhighway of energy & information along which signals flow from the brain to all parts of the body and back again.
Western Science Practice/Theory:
The brain sends electro-chemical neurological communication from the brain down the brain stem (the spine) to all parts of the body and back. This communication occurs constantly in literally billions of simultaneous signals.
From Western Science Viewpoint, The Energyzer Backrest™:
- Increases neurological electro-chemical communication from the brain down the brain stem (the spine) to all parts of the body and back. This communication occurs constantly in literally billions of simultaneous signals.
- Enables users to adjust their spinal alignment in a perfect serpentine curve by;
- Utilizing 2 vertical components parallel to, and on each side of, the spine along the Erector spinae muscles,
- Providing an open channel between the vertical components that facilitates cellular flow and nerve communication throughout the body.
- Optimizing intervertebral disk spacing and foramen openings thus facilitating the flow of energy & information throughout the body.
Eastern Science Practice/Theory:
The Spine is the Primary Energy Meridian of the body; a superhighway of energy (also known as Chi, Spring Forest Qi Gong, or Ki) & information along which signals flow from the brain to all parts of the body and back again.
From Eastern Science Viewpoint The Energyzer Backrest™:
- Opens the back-energy meridian (channel) between the Base and Crown Chakras that facilitates energy flow along all other meridians through all other chakras.
- Facilitates the flow of chi along the primary back energy meridian.
The body’s energy system consists of Chakras and Meridians. There are 7 major Chakras which are energy centers. Meridians are Energy channels that connect the Chakras. Chi is the vital life force energy that animates the body internally. It is used in acupuncture, Spring Forest Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga etc. which all seek to facilitate the flow of Chi Energy through the body along defined meridian energy channels, similar to how blood flows along arteries and veins. The Spine is the Primary Energy Meridian of the body; a superhighway of energy & information along which signals flow from the brain to all parts of the body and back again.
The Adjustability Was Great!
“After driving just a few hours my back aches! (and we drive 11 hours a day!) Using this backrest added a lot more comfort to the truck seat. The adjustability was great and could be modified to fit our individual backs. There are 12,000 trucks in our fleet…great potential in our company and for the millions of over-the-road truck warriors.”
I Used It In My Truck, And It Was Relaxing…
“I used it in my truck, and it was relaxing to increase the curvature in the lumbar part of my back using the adjustable bladder.”
I Absolutely Love It…
I love it. I absolutely love it. Absolutely great! I use it every day!